We truly are living in a remarkable time upon planet Earth. Undeniable evidence emerges every day showing us that we are living in the time of the Great Shift, which has been the source of prophecy for millennia. There are, admittedly, seemingly innumerable Distortions in our world today, driving us into a state of constant Fight or Flight. Yet, if we are able to elevate our perspective and maintain a relative state of balance, extraordinary realities are opening up to us.
We are seeing for the first time in recorded history the union of science and spirituality into a cohesive world view. Throughout the recent several centuries, Western thought and science has dominated the Consensus Reality of the people of Earth. Many would argue that our science has been the epitome of human development on Earth. Yet we are seeing many cutting edge scientific discoveries that corroborate long held beliefs of spirituality and faith. Many of these beliefs and practices originate from China, India and the Indigenous world and can be traced back for many thousands of years.
I love to experience these junctions of thought and belief. I believe that they are critically important for us (especially in the West) to understand, because they illuminate that the nature of reality is very flexible and that we, as creators of our reality, also need to be flexible and to move with the energy where it will take us.
One of the areas of science and spirituality that is of key interest to me is Holographic DNA. Working with DNA has become a corner stone of the energetic healing work that I facilitate. Many of the experiences that I have had and activations that I have received relate to a deepening understanding of DNA and how we can work with it.
But what is DNA and what do we understand about it?
Most of us know the very basics about DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid). We know that it is a key component of life as we know it on Earth and that all life here has DNA. We know that it contains instructions for how organisms develop, and what form the organism takes. Some may remember that DNA is a very large molecule. Most people would recognize a model of DNA, thanks to the “discoverers” of DNA, Watson and Crick. It typically is portrayed like a ladder, with many rungs (the Base Pairs) stretching between the two sides, and that the ladder is twisted into a Double Helix, like a barbershop pole and its stripes. I often refer to this model as the 2 Strand DNA, the Primary DNA or the Physical DNA. The haploid Human Genome is estimated to be 3.2 Billion Base Pairs long, meaning 3.2 billion rungs of the ladder.
Some people may also remember that there is a thing called “Junk” DNA. In genetics “Junk DNA,”or Non-coding DNA, describes components of an organism’s DNA sequences that do not encode for protein sequences. Meaning that they do not contain instructions for the development of the form of any organism. This Junk DNA accounts for anywhere from 95-98% of an organism’s total DNA. If this were truly junk, it would seem an incredible waste of space and information, wouldn’t it? This creates a bit of an uncomfortable situation for the Theory of Evolution, since it is understood that unnecessary and wasteful things tend to be selected and eradicated from Nature. Why then would all life have these enormous molecules in every cell, that are 95% waste?
Many students or practitioners of Metaphysics, spirituality and the “New Age” may be familiar with the term 12 Strand DNA. It’s hard to identify within our contemporary culture where or when the term 12 Strand DNA originated. However, it is currently held to be the potential for the Human Being on Earth that our DNA is evolving from a 2 Strand molecule into a 12 Strand molecule. This 12 Strand DNA is the original form of Human DNA which was altered many eons ago and is coming back “online” for us today.
Before we begin to explore the 12 Strand DNA, we should come to a better understanding of the miracle of our primary DNA and all of the “junk” bits within the molecule.
Research in the United States and western Europe has yielded amazing results and developments in our understanding of this molecule of life. However, as with much scientific research, it has also been relatively myopic. The majority of research has focused on topics related to genetics and the chemical composition of the DNA. I say that this is myopic because much of our research is driven by the pharmaceutical and medical industries. These industries tend to pour their money and research into narrow views that focus solely on chemical reactions and responses at the micro level. They want to see how these responses can be mobilized into a product to be sold or a service to be provided. This paradigm in healing has produced incredible benefits over the last century. However, it also has limited potential growth in our true understanding of medicine and science and this is easily seen with the example of DNA. To find the most unbiased research, we need to step outside of our paradigm. The most cutting edge understanding of DNA cannot be found in the west, but rather in Russia.
During the summer of 2011, David Wilcock published an amazing collection of research titled “The Source Field Investigations.” This definitive work of scientific research has more than 1000 references over 20 chapters and a comprehensive index of the topics covered within its 500+ pages. It covers intriguing topics like DNA, Consciousness Science, Wormholes, Stargate Travel, Sacred Geometry, Three-dimensional time, and much more. This is well worth the read and I consider it an essential reference piece for my library.
David uncovers a tremendous amount of DNA research that originated in Russia. Much of this research greatly differs from western thought because of their approach to the DNA. They see it not just as a coder of genetic information, but as the primary carrier of information within our bodies and our Being. The researchers in Russia found amazing results.
They found that DNA can receive, emit and transduce light as well as other frequencies. They also found that DNA can be programmed by coherent light (like a Laser or Maser). They even found that “damaged” DNA, like in a diseased plant with tumors, can be reprogrammed by light frequencies in lasers, which then in turn heals the plant of its tumor. One researcher even went so far as to replicate this in lab rats.
He took rats that had been injected with a toxin that killed the pancreas tissue, thus giving the rats Type I Diabetes. This eventually killed the rats within 4-6 days. He took a healthy pancreas from another rat, shined a laser through the healthy pancreas and into the diseased rats. He found that more than 90% of the sick rats ended up regrowing healthy pancreatic tissue and having a complete recovery within 12 days. He was even able to replicate this experiment via Non-Locality, meaning that he was 20 miles distant from the diseased rats and not connected to them physically in any way. This implies that the DNA of the rats was being affected at a Quantum, non-local level. This experiment was repeated many times, by three different research groups in subsequent years. These proofs of programability and especially non-locality are exactly the quantum effects that DNA is capable of. This is not because of the coding sections, but because of the supposed “Junk” DNA. The libraries of information stored in the “junk” sections are directly related to what we can call Quantum Instruction within the DNA and within the organism. It is this Quantum effect that reveals itself to be very important to our potential healing.
Russian researchers also have found that DNA is directly related to sound frequencies. Linguists were brought in to analyze the DNA code within the Human Genome and they found that DNA is not just a randomly organized grouping of primary amino acids. Rather, that it is a language and it follows very regular grammar and syntax. This is a key finding because it provides an understanding of the language in which the DNA operates, and we can combine this with the understanding of its programability via Sound and Light Frequencies. With this, we can develop a new DNA language and methodology in order to heal or to evolve any aspect of our physical Being. This is where we tie back into the ancient teachings of this world.
The people of India have known for thousands of years that by chanting sacred Mantras and by visualizing sacred Yantras, we can elevate our consciousness and heal our Being. This Russian research into our DNA provides a scientific basis of understanding how these esoteric practices have efficacy in the Human Being. Perhaps chanting or singing a mantra in Sanskrit (an ancient language directly related to the very fabric of reality) takes the sound frequencies of the mantra and uses them to reprogram our DNA? Perhaps visualizing the Sri Yantra in meditation entrains our DNA into the same energetic field, helping to evolve our consciousness?
This, I believe, is exactly what is occurring. It also explains the efficacy of energetic healing that is experienced when I work with clients with Gamma Wave Healing: we dialogue with the DNA, using sound, light and language, and are able to do magnificent things.
Holographic Multi-Strand DNA
One important aspect of DNA is that it exists in several states at once. Science knows the DNA to be physical, with the two primary strands physically present in all living cells. We’ve seen that the Russia science has proven DNA to exhibit traits involving sound and light and even non-locality. The reason for this is that DNA also simultaneously exists as a Hologram.
We’ve all seen holograms of sailboats or race cars, sometimes floating three-dimensionally in midair, or perhaps captured within a quartz crystal, or on special materials like the holograms on a drivers license. These three dimensional images on two dimensional surfaces are often created by reflecting a laser off of a mirror, onto the object, then onto the film or other medium. By using Coherent Light (two light sources with the same frequency and same wave form), the reflected image becomes a fractal image. A true hologram will be an image, whole and complete unto itself, yet as you zoom in on smaller and smaller pieces of the image, you see the whole and complete image again, and again, as a fractal. By this definition, our DNA (and therefore our body) is easily seen as a hologram. The whole and complete picture (our body) contains within its smallest constituent parts (our cells) the blueprint for the whole and complete image (our DNA).
Our mainstream science has not yet progressed to a state where we can measure the holographic DNA and its additional 10 strands. However, many esoteric traditions and practices can access the holographic 12 Strand DNA and actively work with it. We have seen for thousands of years the use of Mantra and Yantra to activate our DNA. We also know of many traditions of meditation and movement that can help increase our access to the DNA. Many different shamanic or indigenous traditions also work with the holographic DNA, through drumming, fasting and ingestion of power plant allies like Ayahuasca and Peyote. The knowledge of our DNA was widespread in the ancient world. We can see this in images such as the Kundalini and its associated pathways, the Caduceus, and all other images of the Twinned Serpents rising. All of these images came thousands of years before Watson and Crick’s “discovery” and they tell us that perhaps we are rediscovering an ancient knowledge at this time.
To begin an exploration of the 12 Strand DNA, I recommend that we travel way back in time to the culture that academic scholars consider the birth of civilization. Yet, ironically, this very civilization may hold the key to understanding our true history and potential on Earth that dates back far beyond historical periods.
Scholars recognize ancient Sumer as the oldest recognizable civilization on Earth. They say that the Sumerians were birthed approximately 7300 years ago, or 5300 BCE. Every day it seems, there are archaeological discoveries around the Earth that push back the date of human civilization, by many thousands of years in some cases. Examples like submerged Dwarka in India, and Gobekli Tepe in Turkey, conservatively dated to 10,000 BCE, befuddle historians and their definition of human history. In spite of this, academia continues to hold the Sumerians as the first civilization.
The Sumerians were a highly sophisticated culture that sprang up rather rapidly. We know so much about this culture due to their leaving behind vast amounts of clay tablets. These were inscribed with the first official written language, Cuneiform, which was invented approximately 3500 BCE. These clay tablets tell many stories about their lives and the lives of their rulers. There are many mundane aspects of a thriving culture. However, they also speak of highly advanced, other-worldly Beings whom they considered to be gods, called the Anunnaki.
The Sumerian tablets tell of the Anunnaki as a group of Star Beings who came to Earth from their home world, Niburu, to bring humanity civilization. Among all of the Anunnaki, there were two chief beings, Enlil and Enki. These two beings, considered gods by the humans, were brothers and they held two vastly different positions regarding Earth’s humanity.
According to the translations of Zechariah Sitchin, the Anunnaki were in search of a precious resource that they needed to help to heal their planet’s atmosphere: Gold. They arrived on Earth in the very distant past, approximately 400,000 years ago. They found the Earth populated by early humanity, proto-humans like neanderthals. The Anunnaki were vastly technologically superior to the humans and after several years of toiling at the gold mining themselves, Enlil ordered that they take a sample of humans and then genetically alter these humans to become slaves. The Anunnaki would utilize these newly created slaves to mine the gold. The genetic alteration made the humans susceptible to being organized and commanded. It also limited their inherent cognitive and spiritual abilities, and it kept them in their place for aeons. They also took certain individual humans and added certain genetic traits that the Anunnaki themselves possessed, making the humans, in part, their offspring. In Genesis of the Bible, these beings were called the Nephilim. The Nephilim became a ruling class of humanity and are reported to have had extraordinary abilities and were considered giants among the rest of humanity.
Enki had another idea with humanity. He saw within them the potential for greatness. He encoded deep within their DNA the potential to awaken at a time in the future. This awakening could throw off the chains of their slavery and liberate humanity into a new paradigm of existence. Throughout the Sumerian Tablets, there are stories of Enki coming to the defense of Humanity, opposing Enlil’s plans.
This entire practice of humanity’s enslavement continued for many thousands of years, with various rises and falls of civilization. The practice eventually ended at the time of The Great Flood or Deluge, which some researchers put at some point between 11,500 and 9,500 BCE. Following the devastation of the Flood, the Anunnaki physically left the Earth space and left a decimated Humanity to recover on their own, under the guidance of the surviving Nephilim.
Accepting what appears to be outrageous dates for the start of humanity is very hard to do for academia. However, there has been paradigm shifting research done in recent years by Michael Tellinger and others into the origins of humanity and our ancient ancestry from the Anunnaki. Michael and his team have uncovered evidence of this Anunnaki led civilization in South Africa. These sites have been dated to a range of between 50,000 and 400,000 BCE, fitting nicely with the time line of the Sumerian tablets. Most importantly, he has found evidence that this massive, sprawling civilization had a very high level of understanding of sound and light frequency and advanced energy systems. He also discovered synchronicity with the Zulu people through conversations with one of their spiritual leaders, Baba Credo Mutwa. Mutwa divulged to Michael that in the Zulu creation myths, they were created by Star Beings. This creation occurred at a South African megalithic site Michael has called Adam’s Calendar. According to Credo Mutwa, the Star Beings used light and sound to alter the DNA of humanity, creating the template for modern humans that we see today on Earth.
I feel that it is important to contemplate this ancient history because it relates to our authentic nature as a human being, as well as to the changes that humanity is experiencing now. The evidence of the Sumerian Tablets and the physical evidence that Michael and others have uncovered has corroborated information that I have received. I’ve received this through past life regressions and through hundreds of healing / reading sessions with clients over the past several years. My trip to South Africa in early 2018 also confirmed much of this information.
The original Human Being was created on this planet as a continuing experiment in consciousness. DNA is a universal component of life and therefore is present and necessary throughout all life in this Universe. There were several races of very advanced Beings who contributed to this process in the most remote ages of humanity upon Earth, contributing elements of their own DNA. The humanoid form is one of the most versatile forms for advanced life in the universe. It was very well suited to the physical environment of the Earth at the time of creation. This original Human Being was created with a DNA structure that had 12 Strands. These 12 Strands functioned together to give form to a Being that was very adept within its physical environment and was closely connected to each other and the Universal Light Grid. Early humans were very advanced spiritually and had a great understanding of the nature of reality, dreaming it into being consciously.
This state of being continued for aeons, with waxing and waning levels of advanced material and spiritual technology, until the beings whom the Sumerians called the Anunnaki arrived. These god-like beings possessed a very high understanding of DNA and therefore were able to manipulate the human DNA in such a way as to limit Humanity’s ability to resist.
The Anunnaki identified the 2 primary strands of DNA responsible for the genetic coding of the form and for basic cognitive abilities. They isolated these two strands from the remaining 10 strands and began to alter the connections between these strands.
All of the strands of our DNA are linked via energetic connections that I call Light Bridges. These light bridges are literally that: bridges composed of light that run in between all 12 strands, forming an inconceivably intricate lattice of light and facilitating communication between the strands. Our geneticists see and understand these light bridges at a physical / chemical level and portray them as the rungs of the DNA ladder. The Anunnaki understood the nature of these light bridges and were able to make changes to the DNA code so as to impede their ability to share light and information between all strands. They also isolated aspects of the non-coding DNA, which resulted in the “junk” DNA seemingly having no chemical or physical function.
Often, this isolation was achieved via Etheric Energetic Implants that create a discordant, artificial frequency within the Holographic DNA. These implants are called Frequency Markers. The nature of the DNA is such that frequency patterns, once imprinted, will remain on the DNA and will be inherited by all subsequent generations until that pattern is cleared. Whether or not the patterns are active and manifested during any given lifetime depends upon many factors. However, the primary adjustments made to the human DNA by these ancient Star Beings has carried down to us through the ages.
A key fact about the DNA is that despite the extremely advanced manipulations made to the DNA, the Anunnaki were not able to completely eradicate the inherent, authentic 12 Strand DNA patterns. These patterns, inspired by Prime Creator (God), were imbued within our Being by the original Star Beings who came to Earth aeons ago and contributed their genetic makeup. Perhaps this is the great work that Enki insisted on maintaining within our DNA? This original blueprint remains as a holographic reality within our DNA and can be accessed and brought back “online.” This is a major component of The Shift that so many people are experiencing on Earth today.
There are many mechanisms for reawakening these codes. This reactivation is occurring via Sunlight, Crop Circles and other energetic processes like Energetic Healing and the use of Plant Medicines, among many others.
We’ve seen that DNA can be affected by frequencies like light. Light is playing a very important role for us in the continued development of our consciousness, and therefore also, our DNA.
This is truly a profound moment, as perhaps never before in history has an opportunity arisen for a civilization to make a sudden vibrational leap like we are experiencing now.
Several impulses of light and energy have emanated from the Great Central Sun of the Milky Way Galaxy (our galaxy), moving in all directions. These emanations have moved through our solar system, moving like waves through our local system and washing over and through every celestial body including Earth. These impulses do many things and affect reality in many ways, but chief among them, is their affect upon DNA.
The light and energy from the Great Central Sun contains a new set of instructions for the development of life and consciousness. When an organism absorbs light, the light begins to resonate with the DNA of the organism. In the case of newly encoded light, like what is reaching us now, this light can Entrain our DNA into a new pattern. This means that our DNA will come into resonance with the new pattern and that it will begin to vibrate in the same way as the light pattern. Since DNA is holographic, a newly uploaded pattern will result in the DNA vibrating in a new way. This results in altering the DNA and the energetic forms that the DNA gives rise to. This is exactly what is happening now. These impulses have been coming in sets, like sets of waves on the ocean.
This current primary set of waves began initially with a subset of waves in the 1950’s and then 1960’s, initiating many changes with our world and our consciousness. Another subset arrived in the 1980’s, centered around the Harmonic Convergence. This initiated a great movement forward in consciousness within the western world. Recently, there have been many sub-sets of waves centered around 2012 / 2013 and still continuing today.
During these periods of time, we have also seen the rise of Crop Formations in fields of grain, which has been created in part due to the wave of incoming energy. Many of these formations contain imagery that directly relate to DNA and its activation in life on Earth. We are living in the time that the prophecies and wisdom keepers have spoken of, and a primary reason why it is so important is because of the infusion of Light from the Great Central Sun.
The Great Central Sun (GCS) is more than 10,000 Light Years distant from us. This is an extreme distance. The visible Light reaching us may have left the GCS 10,000 years ago, but this is not the complete picture. All of the Light reaching us now did not leave the GCS 10,000 years ago. Rather, much of it emanates exactly when it is necessary. Science has very recently shown that Sound Frequencies are capable of traveling faster than the speed of light. Energy is not limited to travel through physical space, but rather it can manifest via intention, and this is what we are seeing. We could describe these waves of Light as being Scalar in nature. Scalar Waves run perpendicular to the longitudinal waves of mainstream models. These Scalar Waves can exhibit non-locality and therefore, do not need to proceed in a straight line at the speed of light to cover interstellar distances. The Great Central Sun can emanate Light in a Scalar Wave form, thus instantaneously uploading information throughout the galactic system as necessary. These impulses are necessary for Creation at this time, and therefore, they emanate out and reach us as appropriate.
Is there any evidence of these changes within our DNA?
First, scientists have measured that the wavelength of the Sunlight that our Sun emanates to us has changed over recent years. Many people are reporting that they can notice a visible shift in the color of the Sun from a warmer yellow to a more white light.
Also, several years ago, there were reports of children being born into our world with 3 physical strands of DNA. Now, there are reports from around the world with 4 Strand children being born! Scientific estimates are that there could be 1 million of these 4 Strand children on Earth at this time. Many people are colloquially noting the changes that babies and young children are exhibiting today. This process is only going to continue as the Earth gives rise to Beings whom she needs to bring life back into balance. Our medical and psychological professions will continue to come to a better understanding that many of our children are not ill or imbalanced, but that they are extraordinary and that we need a new paradigm of understanding to see their brilliance.
In recent years, we have seen a change in solar activity, with many X Class and M Class Solar Flares. Though there is a phenomenon called the Earth Facing Quiet Effect, astronomers have believed that the solar maximum would bring us many intensities. Most of the anticipated activity of the recent Solar Maximum did not come to fruition. However, many less easily quantifiable changes did occur, with many powerful eruptions sending information and energy to our world. Also, scientists estimate that the magnetic field of the Sun is about the reverse or flip. Likewise, our planet’s magnetic field is expected to flip at any moment. The increasing instability of our field results in a profound affect of the Sun’s energy upon us. Though we may not be blasted with X Class flares, the instability of the magnetic field means that all solar activity has a heightened effect upon us. These are indicators of the energetic changes moving through our solar system and through us.
How do these changes affect the Holographic DNA?
All of these energies affect our DNA and spiritual development. What is occurring to us is that the changes in the light reaching Earth are initiating activations and clearing within our DNA. When I work with clients, I am often guided into their DNA, and when there, I see many amazing things happening. Several years ago, I was seeing primarily the 2 Strands of DNA active, and the light bridges connecting the 2 primary strands to the additional 10 holographic strands were almost always blocked or inactive in some way. Very rarely was the total pattern activated holographically into the 12 Strand level. We were often guided to move throughout the holographic DNA and facilitate clearing of the patterns which were blocking access to the 12 Strand hologram.
Throughout the years, I began seeing all people with DNA that is holographically activated into the 12 Strand pattern and who have much more communication occurring between the 12 Strands. Mostly, I was see the 12 Strand pattern as a 12 Strand Helix, like a May Pole or a really large Barber Shop Pole. The helices are twisted around each other and spinning, creating an energetic field around the DNA (a Torus Field) that gives rise to the manifested form of the person. When I work within the DNA, I often see the 12 strands unwind, so that it appears like I am standing within a ring of 12 trees, all connected via an infinite number of light bridges, like threads of light between all of the strands.
Crystalline DNA
Occasionally, I would work with a client whose natural energetic pattern of DNA has evolved into a new pattern, a more crystalline pattern. Instead of looking like a 12 Strand “May Pole,” it resembles an arrangement of 6 strands into a Hexagon, with another 6 strands in another Hexagon superimposed and interwoven with it. The two “hexagons” of DNA are holographically interrelated and they Counter-Rotate. What happens when we have two fields of energy counter-rotating? We observe a Torus Field form. This is seen in the Merkaba Meditation, and many other patterns observed within nature. The Toroidal Field that is created by this pattern uploads a type of Multi-dimensionality to the DNA that is not present in its typical holographic forms. I see this Crystalline Form almost exclusively within people who are following a spiritual path and who could be identified as Light Workers.
I am told that almost all of Humanity at this time has their 12 Strand DNA activated holographically. This means that energetically, there is an increased access that we now have to recover our Authentic Being in full manifestation. This does not mean that all of Humanity has fully activated DNA. I see many distortions remaining within the 12 Strand pattern. These distortions are being rapidly cleared by the infusion of Light. Clearing and activation is also being facilitated by certain people like me who can access these patterns energetically, as well as via the many esoteric practices that are becoming available within our world now. It’s as if the Wisdom Schools and Wisdom Keepers of the world have been moved into working with a broader scope of people, and many of these people are in turn receiving healing and activation of their DNA. It is exactly as the prophecies and legends have told us.
There are also many people whom I work with that self-identify as Light Workers. Many of these people have VERY interesting DNA. They exhibit patterns within their DNA that have moved beyond the 12 Strand DNA pattern and have moved into something completely new. I am told that as Humanity continues upon its destined path of Awakening / Ascension, that we will begin to embody entirely new vibrational patterns within our DNA and therefore our Being. These new patterns are commensurate with movement into new octaves of vibratory fields and this movement heralds a momentous moment for Humanity and Planet Earth.
Newly Developing Patterns within the Holographic DNA
We’ve talked about the DNA being a Holographic Fractal expression of energy. We understand that fractals essentially continue to expand or shrink into infinity. I could spend a lot of time watching some amazing animations of the Madelbrot set expressed as an ever-shrinking fractal. As each layer of fractal manifestation occurs, I like to refer to these layers as Octaves. Much like the musical term, I see the increasing fractalization related to an increase in energy, or an increase in Frequency. This immediately generates a question for me: If our DNA is Holographic, how many fractal layers or Octaves can exist?
This is a pretty interesting question to ask, and my answer is, I have no idea. As my friend Stacy rhetorically asked during a regression with her, How many strands of DNA does God have? I may not have any idea how far out the fractal goes, but I have identified and worked with several layers.
18 Strand DNA
I have witnessed what appears to be a very rare formation of Holographic DNA within a very small number of people meaning, less than 5 total people that I have worked with. This formation I call 18 Strand DNA. This formation is Crystalline in nature, in that the strands of DNA are arranged into Hexagonal patterns. However, this formation has three hexagons instead of two, giving it a total of 18 Strands of Holographic DNA. Technically, I do not group this formation into a higher octave of fractal manifestation than the 12 Strand. My understanding is that 18 Strand DNA exists within the same octave, but that it is different at a core level in that it contains 6 more strands.
When I ask about the nature of this formation and its purpose, I am told that this formation relates to a specific characteristic of the Soul Mission of the person who has the 18 Strand DNA. The people that I have known whom have this formation are very high-level Light Workers, and they are actively expressing their mission on Earth. Now, whether the formation of DNA activated out to 18 Strands as a result of their fully embodying their mission, or if the embodiment manifested as a result of their 18 Strand DNA, I cannot say for certain. In the case of 1 of these people, their DNA was upgraded from 12 Strand into 18 Strand during their session. The new hexagonal pattern was not whole and complete in its manifestation, but rather, was seen to grow and spread as a result of an activation that was received. That would suggest to me that the 18 Strand DNA is an Activation and not an original permutation of the DNA holographically fractaling out from 2 Strands to 18 Strands.
In addition to the crystalline formation, the three hexagons also create a specialized Torsion Field. The three counter-rotating hexagonal formations create a Triple Torus. This is a highly complex Torsion Field and I assume it must be related to bringing in additional Light Frequencies to assist the person in the actualization of their mission.
Higher Octaves
The Holographic DNA is enormously complex in its structure. Before we explore the higher Octaves, it would be a good exercise to figure out how complex of a structure the DNA of the emerging New Humans is.
If the 2 Strand DNA contains over 3 Billion Base Pairs / Light Bridges, we need to multiply that times 12 to determine the possible connections moving around the “circle” of 12 Strands. This yields 36 Billion Light Bridges. Now, we also need to include Light Bridges that stretch across the “circle” of 12 Strands, connecting individual strands that are not located adjacent to each other. Based on what I have observed, each strand is not connected to every other strand. They appear to be linked across the circle to the strands that are located opposite each strand, functioning in the same way as the Base Pairs from the 2 Strand DNA. This is 6 possible connections for each level of Base Pairs / Light Bridges. So, another 18 Billion Light Bridges!
This gives us approximately 54 Billion Light Bridges for each 12 Strand DNA!
Now, these are purely estimates based on the understood science of 2 Strand DNA, and then extrapolating it out to a 12 Strand Model, based on my observations. There could be a huge rage of error in my calculations, but regardless, we are dealing with an enormously complex structure.
Does the 18 Strand DNA have the same type of Light Bridge connection that 12 Strand DNA does? I’m not sure. Crystalline 12 Strand DNA does not appear to be as complex as the circular 12 Strand arrangement, but the hexagonal formation still yields approximately the same number of Light Bridges crossing the hexagons. We could say that the 18 Strand probably follows this pattern, yielding approximately 81 Billion Light Bridges for 18 Strand DNA.
What happens as the DNA Fractalization takes place? Does it become more complex?
Though the 18 Strand isn’t technically a higher octave manifestation, are there actually other manifestations that occur at higher octaves?
The next Octave of Fractalization that I observe is the 144 Strand Octave. This octave is very interesting and rather complex. When I observe the 144 Strand Octave, each of the Core 12 Strands undergoes a fractal expansion, expanding into a Bundle of 12 new strands per Core Strand. Each of these Bundles seem to be primarily associated with each of their respective Core Strands. I refer to the groups as “bundles” as a way of speaking and organizing them in my awareness. However, they are not technically bundled together as a fixed group. At every octave of manifestation that I have observed, there are Light Bridges connecting ALL of the strands of each Octave, and there are additional Light Bridges connecting certain strands with strands of other Octaves. We are talking about a staggeringly large number of connections here. If each 12 Strand DNA contains approximately 54 Billion Light Bridges, and the 144 Strand Level were to follow the same pattern, each bundle of 12 would have 54 Billion Light Bridges. That’s almost 650 Billion Light Bridges, and that doesn’t even include the Light Bridges connecting the 12 bundles to each other.
Clearly, this is an enormously complex structure, and it is not possible for me to organize the literal composition of the entire structure while I am working with DNA. Thankfully, my perception is highly filtered and focused when I am working with DNA.
So, other than the complexity, what makes the 144 Strand Octave so interesting?
The 12 Strand Holographic DNA is very common these days, with nearly all of humanity having been activated into this octave. The next octave, 144 Strand DNA, is less common, but not rare. Many people, I would estimate over 50% of the people I have worked with, have received various activations that have opened this fractal octave in their DNA. This octave being open does not mean that the entire pattern is fully activated. In fact, as we increase the complexity of the Holographic DNA, I find that there are more distortions present within the Holographic pattern. As we work with clearing and activating the DNA, these distortions present themselves for clearing. These distortions can manifest as many things. These range from latent blockages within the hologram, to Implants (Frequency Markers) that have been placed in the DNA over millennia.
As I work with the 144 Strand DNA, the primary effect of this octave seems to be related to the functioning of the Energy Body. Clearing patterns and then uploading new patterns of energy into the 144 Strand Octave usually produces changes within the person’s Energy Body or Light Body. My understanding is that this Octave relates to the Energy Body and Multi-dimensionality.
Over time, I have seen the number of people with 144 Strand DNA increase. A few years ago, I would estimate that less than 20% of people had this octave activated within their DNA. Now, over 50% of people have it. This tells me that humanity is undergoing a shift within its DNA. I feel that this shift is primarily related to external factors, like the incoming waves of energy from the Great Central Sun and resultant emanations from our own Sun. Working with the 144 Strand Octave is always super interesting, and the activations that are uploaded can have a profound impact upon the Light Body of the person receiving them.
Does the Hologram Continue Fractaling?
The next fractal pattern that expands outward is the 1024 Strand Octave. For several years, I have been consistently told that 1024 is the next Octave in the expansion. I always trusted this number and it rarely came forward in a session. Recently, the 1024 Strand Octave has been presenting itself more frequently and I have been paying a little more attention to its form and function. Obviously, 1024 is not a straight linear progression from 144 Strands like occurred from 12 to 144. If this were the case, we would have 20,736 Strands. Instead we see an increase of a little more than 7x (7.111… to be exact, which is an interesting number pattern in itself). When I look at the 1024 Strand DNA, things get rather weird.
The strands of DNA are not grouped in bundles, but rather, are organized in an amorphous shape, which flows around the outside of the 144 Strands. Exploring the functionality and purpose of the 1024 Strands, I am told that this octave relates to frequencies that our perspective would consider to be purely Multi-Dimensional. The way that the energy flows in this octave is hard to describe. I would say that it behaves with Non-Locality, meaning that instead of the energy flowing along pathways, it jumps between the strands, sometimes following Light Bridges, and sometimes jumping directly to other strands. The energy itself seems to Phase-In and Phase-Out of our reality while I am observing. We could say that this octave is truly functioning at a Quantum Level. My explorations into the functionality of this octave is growing. However, I hesitate to speculate any further as to how it is affecting us and our world. Suffice it to say, however, that there remains an astounding amount of research and observation that I can do with 1024 strand DNA. It is the most complex Octave of DNA’s Holographic Manifestation that I regularly work with. There are some additional octaves of manifestation that I have observed. However, they are exceedingly rare in client sessions, where most of my research is done. Suffice it to say though that Holographic DNA has no limit of expression that I have seen…
I find our DNA to be such an incredible subject of observation, and such a profoundly important factor in the advancing development of our consciousness. DNA plays a role in every single healing session that I facilitate. Our DNA is intimately involved in our awakening and I am honored that so much has been revealed to me over the years. As my own development has expanded, my capacity to observe and work with the DNA has also expanded. I’m so excited to see what the future has in store for me and for our DNA.
Isn’t our world today exciting?
There is nothing that is required of us now, except to follow the guidance of our Inner Truth. That Truth will lead us forward to exactly where we need to be. We are being led exactly into the circumstances necessary for our most appropriate growth and evolution. For some, that looks like recovering their Inner Child. For others, perhaps letting go of old wounds that weigh them down. Some may feel called to radically transform their life and they suddenly remember who they are and why there are here today. Others may begin having transcendental experiences that redefine reality as they have known it.
However these changes have been manifesting or will manifest, is not as important as recognizing that they are manifesting. It takes a great deal of courage to walk into the unknown. Yet, when I have taken that step into the unknown of this process of self discovery, I have found it exhilarating. I feel most alive when I am consciously walking my path and it brings me so much joy to share the insights that I have gained and the healing that has been facilitated through me.
Please feel free to comment or ask questions. I can be reached through my website: www.GammaWaveHealing.com, or via my email: [email protected]. If you would like to schedule a session to explore your Holographic DNA, click this link.
Our Holographic DNA is a very interesting topic and one that comes up always during Gamma Wave Healing sessions and I love discussing it. Thanks for reading and have a beautiful day.
My question is simply, how much of this process is individual and how much is collective?
80%-20% Collective-Personal