The energies have been quite intense for me recently, in a very specific way. Anybody else feeling it?
As I have been surfing these energies, there have been several instances where I feel that I am being shown old patterns of energy. These are primarily relating to my mind and my emotions, whereby certain old wounds and other Distortions are being triggered.
I’ve begun to notice a pattern within these energies and I am beginning to consciously see these patterns rise. I have had a sense that these risings are directly related to the energy moving through the planet now.
There have been several instances while assisting clients recently where similar patterns were identified within their field. As I received information, I was told that there is a Cosmic Wave of energy that has moved through our solar system now. This wave is bringing forward the last remaining pieces of energetic residue that needs to be cleared from our field so that we can move forward with our Phase Shift. Meaning, the last little pieces of Energetic Drag on our Ascension are being brought to the surface now.
I’ve seen this rise within my own field as old wounds and distortions coming forward in relationship. Also, old patterns of energy (like behaviors, choices, etc.) in relationships are being triggered. This is bringing forward old stories, or perhaps even creating new illusory stories, in order to reinforce the old pattern. These old patterns are also expressing themselves into my life, which I seem to be consciously noticing more, contrasting them with my highest desired outcome for my life.
I see these energies as gifts. Though the reflections can be challenging, if they represent the final pieces of Drag, I am all for it!
A Phase Shift is when something moves from one energetic state into another. Like when water boils and produces water vapor, this is (liquid) water molecules Phase Shifting to a higher energetic state (gas). We are moving through a Phase Shift right now. Except, this shift is relating to our total experience: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Energetic. The low frequency / 3D energies of Resentment, Guilt, Shame, etc., these low frequencies are literally incompatible with the higher dimensional states like the 5D. This means that these energies cannot make the Phase Shift into a higher state of frequency and organization.
What does this mean in a practical sense?
This means that these frequencies will need to be void from you energetic field in order for the Phase Shift to be completed. They will be vibrated from the interior of your energy field, where they have been stored since inception, out to the outer layers of your field. The Resonant Frequency that we are Phase Shifting into (5D) exerts an energetic pressure on your field. This automatically vibrates any Discordant Frequencies out of their hiding places, and up and out of your field. This means that they will become Manifest into your reality.
I often use the analogy of popping the tab on a soda. The old distortions are like the CO2 gas that is in solution inside the liquid. When you pop the tab (trigger the old Pattern of Distortion), the pressure is released and suddenly the CO2 gas is released from solution (Distortion is Triggered and begins to rise). This creates bubbles that move away from the liquid and out of the can mouth (Distortion becomes manifest as an experience in your life, replaying the old Pattern of Distortion).
I’ve been observing this in my life pretty strongly for about 10 days, but there have been numerous other instances rising over the past 3 months or so. The intensification of this process is very apparent to me these last several days, which correlates to the information coming in for clients re: the Cosmic Wave.
Just now, I was looking at some incredible visionary art ( and one of the paintings came with a channeled reading, sourced by the Lyrans. This reading stated that there was a huge Cosmic Wave of energy moving through our solar system now, punctuated by four flashes of energy. This wave was serving us to help in the release of old patterns of energy so that we can finish the Ascension process.
Reading this is what initiated my desire to share this post now. I always try to follow the synchronicity 🙂 I know that we will all utilize this energy effectively, transiting the rising of our old Patterns of Distortion, and releasing them into the Universal Light Grid to be transmuted, clearing the path forward in our Phase Shift
Thanks for checking this out. If you want to explore this situation more by scheduling a session, click this link.
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